
I'm a fifth-year graduate student at Harvard, fortunate to be advised by Mike Hopkins and Dennis Gaitsgory. I'm broadly interested in algebraic topology, characteristic p (and v1, v2, ...) geometry, and geometric representation theory, but my interests are constantly changing. I'll be applying for postdocs during fall 2024.

Outside of math, I spend a bunch of time playing the drums, listening to (mostly instrumental) prog metal, and playing basketball. I was an undergraduate at MIT, where I majored in math (course 18) and minored in physics (course 8).

  • Email address: skdevalapurkar[at]gmail[dot]com.
  • My office is SC 333f.
  • CV: [pdf]
  • I'm also on MathOverflow.

Here is a blog (which I have been horrible about updating).

In Summer 2024, I was visiting Minnesota and USC in June, and Oberwolfach and Bonn in July.


Some projects

Comments or suggestions for improving any of these documents are greatly appreciated! (By request, I’ve updated some of the files below to have internal hyperlinks.)



The usual warning holds: many of these documents have not been proofread, so there’s a chance they contain mistakes. Caveat lector! Please send me an email if you have any comments.